Appendix 8-4

April 15, 2025

Asphalt Paving Field Inspection Checklist




Specification / Resource


Prior to Asphalt Mixture Placement

Check material certifications

As needed

Materials IMs

Check for accuracy and timeliness of required certification submittals.  Do not allow incorporation of materials without required certifications.

Check proof rolling of subgrade

Everywhere, prior to final subgrade trimming.
(when applicable)

Specification 2109.03, A, 10 Specification 2115.03, B, 2  Modified Subbase

All subgrades should be proof rolled with a sheep's foot roller no more than 1 week prior to trimming of the final grade.  In addition, when Modified Subbase is used, the subgrade is to be proof rolled with a loaded truck to identify soft spots, etc.

Check trimmed subgrade

(when applicable)

Specification 2109.03, A, 10
(plus or minus 0.05 foot)
IM 204

Check to ensure subgrade is trimmed to the proper cross slope and elevation.  Usual check is by placing string across subgrade from stringline to stringline and measuring down to top of subgrade.  When stringline is not available, a survey rod and level may be used.  Laser levels have been used but are less common.  GPS rovers have also been used, but are not accurate enough to measure within the specification tolerances.

Check trimmed subbase (modified)

(when applicable)

Modified Subbase
Specification 2115.03
(plus 0 and minus 0.05 foot)
IM 204 Appendix C

Check to ensure subbase is trimmed to the proper cross slope and elevation.  This, along with the subgrade checks, will ensure proper subbase thickness.  Usually checked by placing string across subbase from stringline to stringline and measuring down to top of subbase.  When stringline is not available, a level may be used.  Laser levels have been used but are less common.  The width of the subbase should also be checked at this time to ensure that the proper placement width is being achieved.

Check slab fracturing of existing PCC pavement

(when applicable)

Specification Section 2216
Specification Section 2217

Cracking and Seating: Use test section to ensure process used to fracture PCC slab results in specified crack spacing and consistency.  Rolling must be adequate to ensure contact/support by underlying base without damage to aggregate interlock.   Rubblization: Ensure equipment and process used to fracture pavement results in uniform and appropriate size fragments, based on visual inspection of surface.  Verify multiple passes with a vibratory roller to compact and seat the fragments, as well as remove distortion prior to asphalt overlay.

Check pavement scarification


Specification Section 2214

Verify equipment to be used is wide enough and suitable for the method of operation.  Check that the scarification is to the specified depth, and results in a cross-section that is true within the specification tolerance.  Ensure that all millings are removed and stored / stockpiled in compliance with contract documents.

Sampling & Testing RAP

First Day + One per week

Specification 2318.02
IM 204 App. K

Determine frequency / timing of random sampling.  Take 10 lb. sample & test to determine maximum RAP size.  Ensure top size does not exceed 50% of the depth of the compacted recycled mat.

Witness Contractor verification of CIR foaming action

Beginning of each asphalt binder tanker, or as needed

IM 504

Specification 2318.03, A

Witness contractor verification of CIR foaming action using the “bucket test”, as indicated in IM 504.  Check temperature of hot asphalt binder with required temperature gauge located on CIR equipment, to ensure consistent foaming.  

Sampling CIR stabilizing agent (foamed asphalt)

One per day
(First day + one per week to District lab)

Specification 2318.03, I, 2
IM 204 App. K
Form 820193

Determine frequency / timing of random sampling.  Take 1 qt. sample (or direct & witness sampling by contractor) & deliver to DME lab for verification testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Sampling CIR stabilizing agent (standard emulsion)

One per day
(First day + one per week to District lab)

Specification 2318.03, I, 2
IM 204 App. K
IM 360
Form 820193

Determine frequency / timing of random sampling.  Take 1 qt. sample in a plastic bottle (or direct & witness sampling by contractor) & deliver to DME lab for verification testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Sampling uncompacted CIR mixture

One per lot

Specification 2318.03, I, 6
IM 204 App. K
IM 504
Form 820193

Determine frequency / timing & location of random sampling.  Take 40 lb. sample in a sealed container (or direct & witness contractor sampling) & deliver to DME lab for verification testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Direct & witness moisture & density testing on compacted CIR layer

10 per lot

Specification 2318.03, I, 6
IM 204 App. K
IM 504

Determine & layout moisture and density test random locations.  Direct & witness contractor performing nuclear gauge moisture & density testing within 24 hours of completing each lot.  Recompact sublots that do not achieve minimum required density.

Check preparation of existing surface

Periodically + prior to HMA overlay

Specification 2212.03, B, 1
Specification 2303.03, C, 2

Check repair/patching of existing base pavement is as required by specification, plans or as otherwise directed by Engineer.  Prior to asphalt resurfacing, ensure that the base pavement is free from all foreign materials & debris.

Check / Inspect contractor's equipment (general)

Daily, or as needed

Specification 1107.08
Specification Section 2001

Before use on project, ensure that equipment to be used is of the type & size (and has required features) necessary to meet the specifications and perform the work intended;  While in use, be sure that the equipment is properly operated and maintained to insure the safety of workers, inspectors and traveling public.

Check / Inspect haul trucks

Initial use & as needed

Specifications 2001.01 & 2001.03

Haul trucks must have tight metal or metal-lined bodies.  Haul trucks must be equipped with a tarp, but are not typically required to be used between May 15 & October 1.  Truck bodies are to be kept clean by heating, scraping, or use of approved release agents.  Check trucks for fluid leaks and remove from service if necessary.

Check for proper use of release agents

Daily, or as needed

Specification 2001.01, D
IM 491.15

Approved release agents are listed in IM 491.15.  Diesel fuel, distillates or solvents are not acceptable release agents.  Trucks found to have used improper release agents shall be removed from service and allowed to drain for a minimum of 5 hours before subsequent use hauling asphalt mixture.  Do not allow cleaning solutions to be carried on a paver while in operation.

Check / Observe loading of asphalt mixture haul trucks at plant


Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d

Check for signs of overheated mix (blue smoke).  Check for clumps of cold mix remaining from previous load.  Check mixing time and mix appearance for proper coating of aggregate.  Check for proper and uniform mix temperature.  Check that multiple drops of mix from the silo are used to minimize segregation (roll-down) of mix in trucks.

Check existing pavement surface temperature

Daily, before start-up

Specification 2303.03, C, 4

Asphalt mixtures shall not be placed when temperature of the shaded portion of road is less than shown in specification.  Minimum temperature is based on thickness and location of lift to be placed.  The Engineer may further limit placement if other conditions exist that would be detrimental to quality work.

Check stringline

Daily, or as needed

Specification 2303.03, C, 4, f

Check for proper placement of stringline to identify centerline, guide paver and maintain alignment.  Stringline should be held in place by nails; Additional nails, at reduced spacing, should be used to produce a smooth transition (reduce the "chord" effect) through horizontal curves.  Check and correct edge alignment irregularities immediately, to minimize mismatched joints and other resulting problems.

Check for approval and proper use of MTV

Prior to initial use on project, and then periodically while in use

Construction Manual 8.80

Before material transfer vehicles (MTVs) may be used on a DOT project, approval must be obtained from the Bridges & Structures Bureau for crossing any bridge structure(s) within the project limits.  Conditions on approval must be observed, and MTV use monitored by inspector.  If cracking or distress in the underlying pavement occurs, the equipment must be removed from the project and appropriate repairs made at the contractor's expense.

Check / Inspect tack distributor

Once each distributor

Specification 2001.12

Check that distributor is equipped with an accurate thermometer, burner & means of circulating the material, as well as manufacturer's instructions for use.  Check that distributor has either been calibrated, or has a valid annual certification of calibration.  Check for fluid leaks.

Check / Inspect asphalt paver

Once each paver, and when modifications made

Specification 2001.19
Specification 2303.03, B, 2

Check that paver is of type and size capable of placing and initially compacting an asphalt mixture.  Check that paver is equipped with well-matched screed sections, with vibration along its entire length (including extensions).  Ensure that paver is equipped with automatic screed controls to regulate thickness and crown, along with grade and slope control system and approved grade referencing system.

Check / Inspect asphalt rollers

Once each roller, and when modifications made

Specification 2001.05
Specification 2303.03, B, 3

Steel Drum: Ensure proper drum size, equipped with properly operating water system and scraper bars.   Vibratory: Should be operating at high frequency / low amplitude (can verify frequency of vibration using a Reed tachometer, if desired), with both drums vibrating similarly.  Pneumatic: Tire size and tire (contact) pressures as specified.  Check all rollers for fluid leaks.

Check tack coat application for uniformity, coverage & curing


Specification 2303.03, C, 2, b

Check that tack coat application coverage is uniform.  Make sure that all spray nozzles are functioning, and providing a fan-shaped spray with uniform overlap.  Check that the tack coat width matches the intended asphalt overlay width.  Ensure tack is cured before asphalt mixture placement. The tack application is properly cured when it feels "tacky" vs. slick underfoot, and its appearance changes from a brownish cast to black.  

Check tack coat application rate (yield)

Daily, or as needed

Specification 2303.03, C, 2, b

Compare daily quantity available from Plant Report or Plant Monitor with area covered with tack coat to verify the application rate is within specification range.

Check for wet or damp existing pavement surface

As conditions warrant

Specification 2303.03, C, 4

Asphalt paving should not start if wet conditions exist, or rainfall is imminent.  If paving is underway and rainfall begins, paving must stop.  Paving may resume provided pavement is dry, tack coat is undamaged, and delivered asphalt mixture is of sufficient temperature.

During Asphalt Mixture Placement

Receive / Review all load information for individual asphalt mixture loads


Specification 2001.07, B

Ensure that individual load information for all asphalt mixture loads arriving at the site are accounted for, and periodically check actual mix quantities (vs. plans) to guard against unexpected project over-runs.  Obtain individual paper load tickets from contractor personnel by the end of each day.


Check asphalt mixture placement operation (general)


Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d
Specification 2303.03, C, 4

Asphalt mixtures should be supplied to the paver in a uniform and continuous manner, resulting in a minimal number of paver stoppages.  Asphalt mixture placement operation shall produce a mat with uniform temperature and composition, minimizing segregation to the extent that it is not visibly observed in the compacted surface.

Check / Observe unloading of truck into paver hopper


Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d

Check for signs of overheated mix (blue smoke).  Check for clumps of cold mix remaining from previous loads.  Ensure proper dumping procedures used to keep mix flowing as a mass, to minimize coarse aggregate roll-down (segregation).

Check / Observe proper placement of mix into windrow


Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d

Check that windrow is centered in lane to be placed.  Check for uniformity of windrow size & shape.  Check for excessive mix drop heights, leading to coarse aggregate segregation at base of windrow.  Check for clumps of cold mix near end of loads.  Ensure that haul trucks are not allowed to drive over (compact) existing windrow.

Check for uniform material flow through paver


Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d

Restrictions to uniform flow of mix will result in segregation.  Non-uniform head of material at the screed will result in waves in the mat, as well as variations in density.  Check for uniform head of material in the paver hopper (typically 25 to 75% full), through the flow gates, along length of augers, and ahead of the screed. 

Check temperature of uncompacted mat behind paver

Every two hours, or as needed

Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d

Check that temperature of uncompacted mat is above applicable specification minimum for the location and thickness of lift being placed.  Consistent mat temperatures are needed to ensure uniform compaction and resulting density.

Check / Observe uncompacted mat quality behind paver


Specification 2303.03, C, 3, d

Check for non-uniform appearance (streaking, coarse / open texture, screed marks).  Check for evidence of leaking fluids from equipment and take immediate action to remove equipment from operation if discovered.

Check / Observe loose (uncompacted) lift depth checks


Specification 2303.03, C, 4

Ensure that the asphalt mixture is spread at a depth such that, when compacted, will result in the required thickness.  More frequent checks should be made on the first lift over an uneven surface, and following an adjustment to the screed.  After adjusting screed, allow time for the screed to level out (approx. 5X tow arm length) before making subsequent checks.

Check / Observe HMA compaction (roller) operation


Specification 2303.03, C, 5

Check for proper equipment and procedures.  Check for consistent mat temperature & rolling pattern (with special attention to Class II compaction areas);   Check surface for roller marks, mix pick-up, waves in mat, and possible segregation.

Check mat width & cross-slope

Periodically, and when plan width or cross-slope changes

Project plans

Periodically check both the uncompacted and compacted mat width and adjust, as necessary, to account for "roll out".  More frequent checks should be made when the plan width changes.  Checks of mat cross-slope should be made periodically, with additional emphasis in transition areas of super-elevated curves. 

Check longitudinal joints


Specification 2303.03, C, 6

Check for proper overlap (typically 1" within 1/2" tolerance) and procedures used for longitudinal joint construction.  Pavement edges should be carefully aligned and loose lift thickness set to result in well-matched centerline joint.  Check for adequate mix at end of screed to reduce potential for segregation and mismatched joint.

Check longitudinal pavement runouts

As needed

Specification 2303.03, C, 6
Project plans 

Check for proper runout at structures, existing pavement, and at end of day headers.  For a transverse construction joint open to traffic, the runout is 10 ft. in length per inch of lift thickness.  For permanent runouts, the length is shown on the plans, based on posted speed and overlay thickness.  Check that runout design fits existing conditions.

Check transverse joints

As needed

Specification 2303.03, C, 6

Ensure header is sawed in straight line at right angles to provide a full depth vertical edge to match at joint.  Check transverse joint off header at start-up for smoothness, using a 10 ft. straight edge.  Corrections may be required before continued paving.

Check mix quantities & yields

Every two hours recommended

Project plans

Comparison should be made between the tons of asphalt mixture delivered/placed and the plan quantity (tons) of asphalt mixture calculated for a given area of pavement.  Typically, the quantity placed will be within 3% of the quantity calculated using the plan rate (may vary with project-specific situations).

Direct & witness sampling of asphalt binder


Specification 2303.03, D, 3, b, 1
IM 204 App. F
IM 323
Form 820193

Direct & witness random sampling procedures by contractor personnel.  Take possession of sample & deliver to field lab for testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Direct & witness sampling of aggregates (cold-feed)

First day

Specification 2303.03, D, 3, b, 2
IM 204 App. F
IM 301
Form 820193

Direct & witness random sampling procedures by contractor personnel.  Take possession of sample & deliver to field lab for testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Direct & witness sampling of loose / uncompacted mix (hot box)

One per sublot
(up to 5 per day)

Specification 2303.03, D, 5, b
IM 204 App. F
IM 322
Construction Manual 8.13

Form 820193

Determine frequency / timing of random sampling & notify contractor.  Direct & witness sampling procedures by contractor personnel.  Document GPS locations of all samples taken.  Take possession of sample & deliver to field lab for testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Direct & witness sampling of compacted mix (field density cores)

(8 mat cores per lot)
(up to 3 matched joint cores per lot)

Specification 2303.03, D, 4, a

IM 204 App. F
IM 320
Construction Manual 8.13
Form 820193

Determine & layout density core random locations.  Direct & witness core drilling.  Document GPS locations of all samples taken.  Measure & inspect cores for defects & proper dimensions.  Take possession of cores & deliver to field lab for testing (maintain agency custody) or, Identify (Form 820193) and secure samples for transportation by others.

Perform testing on compacted field density cores

(8 mat cores per lot)
(up to 3 matched joint cores per lot)

Specification 2303.03, D, 5, c
IM 204 App. F
IMs 321 and 337

Following contractor preparation (cutting / trimming) of the core samples for testing, the cores are measured and tested (weighed) by inspection personnel to determine field density.  Results should be agreed to by inspection and contractor personnel to avoid disputes later.

After Asphalt Mixture Placement

Check for Safety Edge or temporary granular fillet at pavement edge

Each time (prior to removing traffic control)

Specification 2305.03, A
Specification 2121.03, C, 4, b

Safety Edge or temporary granular fillet is required to mitigate drop off at pavement edge prior to moving traffic control and opening an adjacent lane to traffic.

Check completed pavement section visually for uniformity

Daily, or as needed

Construction Manual 2.53
Form 830245
Construction Manual App. 2-34(K)

Daily visual examination of mat surface is recommended to detect mix segregation as soon as possible, allowing timely changes in equipment or procedures to be made in order to minimize future occurrences.   If segregation is suspected, the inspector should inform his supervisor and the contractor.  A Noncompliance Notice (Form 830245) and subsequent price adjustment may follow, if warranted.

Check milled rumble strip placement


Standard Road Plans PV-12 and PV-13
Specification Section 2548

Milled rumble strips may be placed on the shoulder or centerline of the roadway.  They are placed in the compacted HMA after mat has sufficiently cooled to resist tearing.  Rumble strip placement should be checked to ensure proper spacing, depth, and location requirements are being met.

Check fog seal application coverage, uniformity & rate


Specification 2548.03, C
Specification 2308.03, D

Ensure that asphalt emulsion is not placed on a wet or damp surface.  The fog seal application must uniformly cover the entire milled shoulder rumble strip, at the rate specified.

Review initial contractor smoothness information

Daily, until 3 consecutive days of 100% pay or better

Specification 2317
IM 341

The contractor is required to submit smoothness information daily until they have paved for three consecutive days resulting in 100% payment or better.  There are several reasons for this requirement.  First is to identify if there are equipment or process issues causing placement problems in the paving operation.  It is not desirable to allow the contractor to continue paving if acceptable smoothness levels are not being achieved.  This requirement also may identify problems in the contractor's smoothness evaluation.  It also gives inspection staff the opportunity to review the contractor's profilograph settings to make sure they are correct.

Review final contractor smoothness information

After submittal of final profilograph reports and traces

Specification 2317
IM 341

The contractor is required to submit all final profilograph reports and traces to the Engineer within 14 days after completion of paving.  After receipt of all final reports and traces, the information should be reviewed to ensure that all sections of pavement have been evaluated.  In addition, the smoothness information should be evaluated to determine if the incentive or disincentive requested by the contractor is accurate.


Check for contractor compliance with Public Convenience and Safety requirements


Specification 1107.08

Check for compliance with on-the-road and off-the-road times (30 minutes after sunrise & 30 minutes before sunset, unless stated otherwise in contract documents).  Check that contractor operates equipment and performs their operations in a manner that provides safety for workers and traveling public.

Check traffic control

When approaching or travelling within work zone

Specification Section 2528
Project plans

Even though traffic control checks are a responsibility of the contractor, if problems or deficiencies are observed, inform the contractor when the observations are made so that corrections can be made in a timely manner.  Specific areas to observe include traffic control, work zone length, flaggers, signing and pilot car operation.

Check contractor's traffic control daily diary

As needed

Specification 2528.01, C

The contractor is required to check traffic control and record significant information.  It is a good practice to review the contractor's diary occasionally to ensure that documentation is being recorded as required.  For instance, after noting damaged signing or deficiencies in the traffic control devices or setup, review the daily diary to ensure the deficiencies and the remedies are recorded.

Monitor the project for fugitive dust


Specification 1107.07, E

The contractor is responsible for controlling fugitive dust on the project.  When dust is being generated and leaving the project site, the contractor should be reminded of their responsibility to control dust and a request should be made to take measures to do so.  In urban areas, it is even more critical that dust be controlled as property owners will be more sensitive to dust generated by the project.

Monitor contractor haul roads


Construction Manual 2.12

The contractor is required to submit a request for haul road designation for roads used to haul materials for the project.  Once designated as a haul route, the contractor is expected to use the haul route for the designated purpose. 

The contractor's operations should be observed daily to ensure that haul traffic is using the appropriate, approved haul routes.

Check for compliance with winter shutdown requirements

When applicable

Specification 2121.03, C
Specification 2214.03, D
Specification 2303.03, C, 6
Specification 2318.03, J
Specification 2527.03

Ensure that following requirements are met prior to end of season on projects with winter shutdown period:  Granular shoulder brought up to edge of pavement at design slope and width;  All scarified surfaces covered with at least one full asphalt lift;  Headers shall be located across from each other;  Temporary runouts shall be located adjacent to each other and be 25 feet in length per inch of lift thickness;  Cold in-place recycled surfaces shall be covered with at least one full lift of asphalt;  All pavement markings completed (including edge lines and symbols).

Issue Noncompliance Notice

As required

Construction Manual 3.21
Form 830245

The owner is obligated to notify the contractor in writing when noncompliance occurs.  This is done using Form 830245.  Noncompliance Notices should be issued as quickly as practical after observation of the noncompliance to give the contractor ample time to take corrective action.  The Noncompliance Notice also provides a written record of notification being provided to the contractor.